The walk in and our of boon teck road is rather interesting and varies from period to period. Sometimes when i walk out on the mornings i will see all sorts of interesting dogs or pets walking, waiting or shitting outside the walkway near the ang moh vet...most of these pet owners are angmohs with lovely animals..well they do like the angmoh vet...i have seen dalmations, big black dogs, golden retreivers, pomeranians and a siberian husky lovely..and i touched it too!!!
Then on the way down is the temple where once/twice a year they have teochew opera and all the little old ladies and uncles will gather round to watch and there will be a big fuss in that up is kango construction company...where there is usually a sui sui white car(with lots of stickers and stuff) parked just outside...but recently however, it was stripped back to normal condition just white body and red bottom.
Then there is the area where there used to be a huge huge tree( i mean really least 3/4 stories high) which is gone now. When it was was our shelter in the rain...i mean literally, cos the crown was so wide and dense..though if the drops came down they would be rather fat....
Then we come to the area where there are now three 3 story buildings built up...looks ok actually but looks rather tight....anyway....every evening, if i get home at around 7/8 there will be an old uncle living in one of those little one single storey terrace houses spread through the right hand side of the street, who watches television with the volume turned very high up. Even if you are walking on the opposite side of the road you'd know exactly what he's watching..and its usually the news...i think that old uncle is very cute to it is a very eerie looking house with 2 red lanterns hanging outside...the irony is...indian bangalas live there...
Sometimes at night when we come back at around 8/9 we see the hookers who live around the area come out to work...they dress very scantily usually but not in a nice sort of a i-am-a-hooker-hear-me-roar kind of way. They will trot out to flag cabs in groups.
This is a little scenario of how my little street, where i will prob live the rest of my life until i get married is, is.