Beneath the sheen of the nice glossy smiles of people in the office lie a layer of malice subtly executed
through fake smiles and seemingly innocent converstions. The office, well, a small section of it, is split between the camps of wendy and rochelle. Though at first sight, Rochelle is rather good looking, she reminds me of a slut because of her makeup (baby blue). (However, after observing her for some time i find she has those eyes. The slim eyes that slant slightly at the sides which make her look either slutty or cunning). Yes i strongly believe asian skin is not suitable for baby blue makeup. There are 2-3 ladies guilty of this horrendous fashion faux pas. The other girl is one whom i see, the moment i come back from the toilet, that is because she sits just in front of the main entrance. Another woman, is well, rather old, about 30 but dresses in a nice/fancy/quirky way. She does have her own sense of style, rather unique, though her eyeshadow is turquoise, which is alright with asian skin, she does it like goth eye-liner, but picture it in turquoise (disastrous), and i dont know if its natural or not but she purses her lips. She looks rather put together most of the time, other than when she uses turquoise eyeshadow as if its eyeliner.
Michelle is firmly in Rochelle's camp and is an antenna from what is told to me. She tells Rochelle all the bad bits ppl say about well...Rochelle. Michelle is very tan, sometimes wears specs but mostly remains behind the gigantic monitor almost everyone in the office has. Always talking on the phone, has nice long hair, and eyes, but fond of wearing calf length skirts which make her look shorter and fatter. (Har! i just like to think i am more stylish).......Rochelle is one person in this office one should not insult (De Zhui). For, from what i observe, she is on friendly terms with MANY people in the office and has this cute cute face and petite figure that i suspect is of great help to her in her chosen profession(sales). Michelle also frequently talks to Jenny, a secretary of an Angmoh and angela, who wears grey coloured contacts, always clothed in black and has long flowing rebonded hair highlighted red (very nice, wish i could have hair like that also...not say i dont want). The way she wears her black clothes also looks nice (Well..its black duh). and she likes pooh (i have never talked to her, not even hello, or a smile, nor do i ever catch her peeping at me, which michelle always does.)
Wendy does not like rochelle and neither does Diana, they both speak mainly english and share common interests...(wendy's husband is indonesian).
Rochelle stopped over @ Diana's desk and said, Diana like machiam Secretary (seemingly innocent conversations), cos she cut the cakes Vince brought back, which Diana highly resented. Wendy is more direct (ala Matilda), which is what i prefer, rather than rochelle who does not bother me often. Wendy is also from a girls school (PLMGS) which i feel a connection to, and besides, the things we chat about during office hours is more my style. Rochelle and Michelle (it rhymes) largely walk to the toilet or refill their water pots together and whisper all through the way.
For most part, i dont talk to Michelle and Rochelle very much if not at all. Mostly talk to wendy who walks over to my and diana's area at least once a day, or sometimes we will walk over to chat with her. But as Wendy is in sales, we generally do not disturb her too much as they are usually very busy.
Steamboat pics @ Mats hse should be up before this weekend. Been busy playing WOW, lazy to load pics.