Monday, December 19, 2005

Race and Character

From playing World of Warcraft, the belief that bad character spans nationalities and races is further solidified. Various nationalities and races play World of Warcraft and the next person you meet in game could very well be from Australia, US, Singapore,Msia, China, Korea, Canada, Germany, New Zealand or basically anywhere at all. Bad character and people who are simply assholes could be found anywhere or in any corner in our game. There are many more people however, who are very nice. But guys being guys sometimes it can be like this when they think that they are mostly interacting with other guys in the game. Because everyone knows that guys treat girls better than guys.

Bad character does not limit itself to one race or nationality, this gives us even more reason to downplay racism. Why, when people know that some guy from another race could be a better guy than someone from the race they prefer, they still ostracize the good guy. Many people, especially in the older generations, still practice such prejudice. Even if the guy from the majority race is a complete bastard and the guy from the minority could make you happier, they would still like the complete bastard, just because they are of the same race.

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