Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friends or Colleagues

Starting at this new place, it really makes me miss my friends at the old place. The lines here in this bank are very clear cut, colleagues are purely just colleagues, maybe I am new perhaps. But then I notice that it is the same for everyone else. We go about our business, maybe talk a little bit here and there, go for lunch together. Could also be the age difference but then there are a few younger people around too.

Back in BNP, the lines of colleague and friend really blur and mesh together. Especially amongst the FGIPs who started mostly at the same time. Perhaps we stuck together because of the program or perhaps because we were the only age group in the bank. But there were other bunches who also formed their own clique and didnt hang out in the same circles.

Like I told Karl the other day, back in BNP when i lunch alone, most of the time its by choice because I need to run errands. But, if I am lunching alone nowadays, it is hardly due to choice.

I miss that feeling of camaraderie. =\

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