Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Critics, Movies and Life

Today i got a special preview pass normally reserved for the media by chance.

I was wondering i have seen many movies which have been put down by the media countless times. Why do critics always try to dig 'deep' into the movie and talk about it inside out, as if they're trying to find the reason of existence in the movie. Shouldnt they just enjoy the movie for what it is? Entertainment, feel-goodness, in the moment and then tell readers how they felt. Today in the cinema, there was lots of laughter which leads me to believe that they arent so cynical after all.

Shouldnt we all as people be doing that, to simply enjoy the moment and life as it is. Sure there may be grumbles along the way, job unhappiness, family unhappiness, self-esteem problems, weight problems, money problems. Overall, life is beautiful. Being able to enjoy the company of your friends, able to be with you family, with your loved ones, or simply the smell the fresh air after the rain. However, for it to be beautiful or stay that way, one has to work hard to ensure safety and survival first. Therein lies the irony, life is beautiful if you work to ensure that beauty.

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