Thursday, May 12, 2005

Debby in Wonderland

Hello...i'm back after a marathon 5 days of shopping.

New Observations of hong kong

1. Singapore Girls dress way better than hong kong girls simply because we look more woman as we have a sexier/sweeter style as opposed to the plain wierd dress sense of hong kong girls

2. Most hong kong girls even if they are very ugly put on some make up when they go out

3. Hong kong guys are rather good looking but some dress like gays

4. Transport is not as cheap as in Singapore, it costs around S$15 to get to the airport by train.

5. Good bargains can be found almost everywhere as you can bargain with shopkeepers in many places, including shopping centres. Like i bought a fake lv wallet for about S$20 but its a lousy fake..hurhur

6. It rained everyday that we were there (bummer), except the first day

7. They have many quaint dessert places that serve nice light food and have cosy atmospheres.

8. Food in their so called 'kopitiams' cost at least S$6 for a plate of noodles

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