Tuesday, September 14, 2004

life is short

Life is a journey. Some journeys are short and some are long. Some are filled with glory and fame. Some just peace and happiness. But recently, an acquaintance's 10 year old daughter is a few days away from leaving this world. I feel sad, knowing what has happened. It isnt even cancer or a life threatening diesease. It was just a fever, and the germs got to the heart. I pray that there might be a miracle, but i know no matter how hard i hope the reality is that it is almost impossible for her to live. But i will hope to the last min. I hope anyone who reads this will hope or pray together with me. Today is her 2nd day, she has 5 days.

In some selfish way, i am glad that she is only 10. Although she may still have a long road in front of her, she is still young, and would have less to let go of. It would have been much harder and sadder if she was 20 or so.

I hope that all of us will try to look at life as such. That we must use our time wisely, to love those who care for us. Not to waste our time on needless activities. Many a time, we do things thinking they are important, then fail to remember what really matters.

Many people in this world fail to look at the big picture. We are all selfish creatures. In order to fulfill our own selfish desires, we hurt others. Be it in a small way, or in a big way(bombings, massacres, war etc).

All this world needs is a little more love and selflessness in everyone. It will be a much brighter place. Love really does make the world go round.


Lito G. Espinosa said...

I have a sticker on my guitar case that says:
"Life Is Short, Pray Hard!"

The Bible says that life is like a mist, a vapor, here now and gone in an instant. Yes, I agree, we have to use our time wisely, share it with those close to us, friends, etc, for we don't know how long we'll have in this world.

By the way, how is she doing? I'll remember to pray for her, even now as I type on my keyboard.

You have a good heart, I can sense that.


Queen of Hearts said...

the girl didnt make it. i'm so sorry