Thursday, September 16, 2004


in school today, us girls were talking about girlie topics like pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion and marriage.

Matilda's friend had some problems with her period coming late and got so worried she is so stressed up. so this got the ball rolling on a hodpodge of other topics.

First. Many young ones today, do many things for fun, for the thrill of it, without looking at the consequence, how it would affect them in future. And when a problem really happens, they drag things out, hoping to dull of the reality of what has happened. As if trying to escape the problem but problems still have to be solved.

Two. In society today, many marriages dont last? Why? It has become a mockery. When people run into problems its just divorce. No one wants to take the effort to really stay and solve the problem. In the past, people had not much choice as divorce was rather taboo. They had to stay to work it out. But now, it is not so. If you ask yourself. How much did you try? Can you honestly say you tried your absolute best? Maybe not. In today's selfish world, maybe not.

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