Saturday, October 30, 2004

Humanity & its ingrained Selfishness

Why is it, when you progress through a relationship? People start to tell you to think about if your potential spouse can support you in the future or not. What is this idea of being a tai-tai (essentially useless bum)and just sit around the house when you'll probably have a perfectly useful piece of paper stored somewhere in a file and a 100% well-oiled supercomputer called a brain.

Have we progressed to a calculative and selfish race who live only on the ideals of money and comfort? I dont believe that i should let all the work go to ben and do nothing on my own, as i believe that ben wont do the same to me. I know that in the future, commitment is also a type of responsibility, where you share tasks and integrate ur life into each other's. If love is enough, you wouldnt want the person you love to suffer alone, you would want to see him smile and be happy with you, to work together to make a life that belongs to you. I believe it is, that love should be enough to sustain you. Somehow, many a time, it is not the case. Call me an idealist if you will, i feel there isnt enough idealism in this world. But i also know that idealism without a pinch of realism is just plain daydreaming.

I know i have lived a sheltered life and not known what it is to want. I do know however, that you have to work in order to get what you want. Many people these days it seems, mumble and grumble about daily life being monotonous and boring but fail to see the big picture. What big picture you may ask? It may seem a little morbid but isnt the big picture how you want to be remembered when you are gone? Isnt that also some sort of goal? I want to be known as a good daughter, a good sister, a great life partner, a good friend, a well-loved person.

Why is it in this century, people(particularly young people in developed nations)have morphed from a human race into selfish individuals? What do we want? What are we working towards? What are we becoming? Shouldnt we be asking ourselves these instead of asking...oh is that lv bag real or fake? Why are our idols paris hilton instead of someone who contributed greatly to the improvement of mankind, like Mother Teresa.

1 comment:

Inarticulate said...

The pre-requisite of materialism is pretty distinct in Singapore given the constant emphasis on our 'economic success' by the people around us. Noticed the constant emphasis of entrepreneurship?

Even the education system flows with the trend. Previously it was doctors, then it was engineers. For a while it was IT, recently biotechnology & life sciences [drugs]. Unconciously most of us have been conditioned since young to follow the "best-paid job" choice of education so subconciously we may tend to value material comforts more than the rest.

Combine the advertisements of getting high on retail therapy & there you have it - A Singaporean who cares mainly about his/her next ticket to riches.

2 cents worth of thoughts to ponder. Yes, high standards of living does influence to a certain extent.