Tuesday, December 28, 2004

C'est la mort

It an ordinary day. I woke up to a bleak sky, but that in itself did not mean anything to me, until i picked up my copy of today on my way out of the condo. The headlines read, "The day after the Earth shook". The death toll all over Asia is 27,000 and rising. All this just because there was no developed warning system. Due to the popularity of Asia as a tourist destination, countries all over the world, from US to Finland have experienced the loss of at least one citizen. I mourn for the people who have lost love ones. I am relieved for those who survived with intact families and all. Chills run freely down my spine as i am bombarded by news of loss, grief and footages of devastation. Mostly 3rd world countries have been struck - India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. There was no warning system in place simply because there were no history of Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. I want to help, I want to do my part. I feel i am so lucky, i am so close to disaster yet in the safest place possible.

When will the human race learn that Arrogance will lead to disasters. The Earthquake in Kobe, in Taiwan, Typhoons in never before heard places, multiple ones coming one after another. Mother Nature in all its glory have taught us many lessons, but somehow, we fail to learn from her previous warnings.

Suddenly, the bleak sky serves as a symbol of a sad day for the human race.

1 comment:

Inarticulate said...

Hi there, been dropping by at times but felt that maybe you could browse this thread of comments to give yourself a more balanced perspective.


Cheers and all the best to your endeavours for 2005.