Friday, July 23, 2004


i received the letter yesterday. It seems that my application for exemption from economics has been approved. and my time table has improved yet again. It is better this way as i was really falling asleep in classes. But i Digress *i quoted this one* sorry...private joke. I was very happy and surprised that they actually approved it as i only got an E. my loyal readers would know about my indecision in the beginning....back to my time table. now on wednesdays..classes are only from 12 - 2 and on mondays ...release time is shortened by an classes are from 9 - 4.i shall look through all my modules that i am taking to see what i can opt out of..i could have actually opt out of critical reasoning skills in sem 1 yr 1, but i didnt know there was such a thing as applying for exemption. oh well..there arent anymore.

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